A Note on Money Transfer Services to India
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Report Details:
Price: |
Report Code |
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BREP038 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 1500; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 1500 + Shipping & Handling Charges extra
ThemesBusiness Reports |
Report Length |
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21 Pages |
Period |
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2002 - 2005 |
Organization |
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- |
Pub Date |
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2007 |
Teaching Note |
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Not Available |
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India |
Industry |
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Services |
Executive Summary
The money sent by
immigrant workers to their families living in their native countries is
termed as a remittance. Remittances are important and stable sources of
funds that help developing countries maintain a favorable balance of
payments position.
India, China, Mexico, and Philippines are among the
top receivers of remittance flows in the world.
The United States of
America, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and Switzerland are the major sources of
remittances. Remittances are carried out through both formal channels
and informal money transfer systems.
This report discusses the various channels of
cross-border money transfer and gives brief profiles of the
major institutions that provide money transfer services to
India. It also outlines the issues related to informal money
transfer systems.
Formal channels include banks and money transfer companies like Western
Union (a subsidiary of First Data Corp.) and MoneyGram. The advent of
the Internet and vast advances in communications technology has spawned
the growth of 'new age remittance services'like money transfer websites
and use of remittance cards. Even banks have embraced technology to set
up online money transfer services. These transfers are fast, easy, and
Convenience and online tracking status are other major benefits.
However, these systems have a higher cost attached to them. This may put
these services out of the reach of low income groups who form a major
portion of the immigrant population. E-mail frauds and fake websites are
also a cause for concern.
Informal money transfer systems have been popular among emigrants and
expatriates as they cost less and are perceived to be efficient and
reliable. Due to the absence of proper records, informal channels have
become the preferred route for money laundering and funding of terrorist
activities. It would be desirable for regulatory authorities to
encourage remittance flows through formal systems by reducing
transfer/transaction costs and facilitating better accessibility. Given
the rapid rise in remittance flows, regulatory authorities need to
ensure a balance between facilitation and regulation of remittance
Money Transfer Services, Remittances, Immigrants, Western
Union , MoneyGram, State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, First Data Corporation,
Phishing, Informal Money Transfer Systems, hawala, Financial Action Task Force,
PayPal, TimesofMoney.com, Travelers Express, iKobo
A Note on Money Transfer Services to India
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